New World's official beta launched on July 20 and ended on August 2. It was available to those who pre-ordered the game and filled out a beta sign-up form. However, no player progress is carried forward from the beta.


New World Beta Time

It's already over. New World's official beta launched on July 20 and ended on August 2. It was available to those who pre-ordered the game and filled out a beta sign-up form. However, no player progress is carried forward from the beta.

We don't know if New World will be the next great MMO, but we can safely say that its big hammers look very fun to swing.

New World's Modes

There are a variety of different New World game modes for you to try out in Aeternum. Here's a summary of each:

War Mode: NewThis mode is basically New World's equivalent of the MMO dungeon, and sees you and four friends building a balanced party to solve puzzles and defeat bosses. to setup their siege. You can find out more in this IGN hands-on with the developers.
Expeditions: This mode is basically New World's equivalent of the MMO dungeon, and sees you and four friends building a balanced party to solve puzzles and defeat bosses
Invasion: This PvE defence mode sees 50 players defend their fort from waves of enemies, including the powerful Void Destroyer. If you survive for 30 minutes you win, if not, the territory is downgraded.
Outpost Rush: This PvPvE mode is a 20v20 battle where you compete to capture outposts, gather resources, and upgrade your defences, all while fighting off enemies, and other players. You can see it in action below.

New World Server Players Number at a time

Amazon says that we'll share the world with "over 1,000" players at a time. Also considering the New World beta hit nearly 200,000 concurrent players, there should be plenty of players when it releases.