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A new class in Korean version of MU Legend | Emphasizer

While we all expect open beta testing of the international version of MU Legend, but there is one thing that needs our attention.

In the Korean version of MU Legend a new class of Emphasizer has appeared. In addition, a system of seasons, new seasonal things for classes, added new complications for epic dungeons and much more. and the most important innovation was the appearance of the 5th game class called "Emphasizer"!

Let's expect Mu Legend's global beta version.

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Mu Legend will be in September 2017 beta, the players must first familiar with the game in order to have a better experience, the following is the details of this game, hope to help you.


legend zen OverView:classes,features

MU LEGEND is the highly-anticipated action MMO and the follow-up to MU Online.Players can choose from four distinct classes Dark Lord,Whisperer,Blader,Warmage


Mu Legend Wings Guide

Wings come in various shapes and sizes and offer different abilities. When equipped, they generally change your moving animation and increase your Movement Speed.


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MU Legend is the highly anticipated action MMO and follow-up to MU Online. It features fluid and stunning hack 'n' slash combat, content that caters to both solo and party play, and a deep and intriguing world that will satisfy new players and fans alike.

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