A useful guidance for all of you, guys! You want to receive the invitation to play SkySaga Game, but you don't know how toRegister SkySaga Game. Come to this post, we'll help you.

Link to register:

  • http://uk.skysaga.com/account/new for Europe.
  • http://na.skysaga.com/account/new for North America.

The SkySaga Online just sets up the Alpha test in these two areas. If you want to know more about the information, you can refer to our website.

Well, we start with your Email Address first. Let fill it on here.

Enter your name in-game:

And here, you should apply your password and confirm it on the line below.

Date of birth, of course you have to supply this information. Select your Country.

And the last two rows, referred by and promo code, there is no enforcement.

Once you fill in all rows, you should tick on the sentence I accept the term and conditions and then click the Register to make it done.

After register success, you can see window Account Management, like image below:

Now, you log in your email address and confirm in our letter to finish. If you haven't got this email, click the Resend button in your Account Management to resend it (wait 5-10 minute).

Screenshot if you verify email success:

You should click on the Account Management button to know that you’re invited or not. If yes, you will see the image below.

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